Campion Edmund St. 1540-1581 Junior Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford. In 1566 he welcomed Queen Elizabeth to Oxford. He left Oxford for Dublin and then proceeded to Douai College and was received in the R C Church in 1571. After teaching in Prague as a Jesuit Priest he joined the first Jesuit mission to England in 1580. He was captured tortured and executed at Tyburn in 1581. He was canonised in 1970 as one of the Forty Martyrs
Carey George, Archbishop of Canterbury 1935– Educated at Bifrons Secondary Modern School Barking, Kings College London, Durham University Phd. Curacy St Mary’s Islington, Taught at two Theological Colleges: Oak Hill London and St John’s Nottingham. Vicar of St Nicholas’s Church Durham: The Church in the Market Place. Principal Trinity College Bristol 1981, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1987 and Archbishop in 1991. His tenure at Canterbury was significant, if controversial. He oversaw the Church of England supporting the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood in 1994, the single most significant development in Anglican Orders since its founding in 1660. He opposed the ordination of practising gay people, he criticised Islam for failing to reform and entertained the possibility of assisted suicide in carefully described circumstances. Carey failed to protect sex abuse victims or give them the justice they deserved by not referring Bishop Peter Ball to the police, after several warnings about Ball’s behaviour.
Carey William Baptist Missionary and Educator 1761-1834 son of a weaver from Northamptonshire and himself became a shoemaker. He had a great ability with languages teaching himself Latin, Hebrew Italian Dutch and French, often reading while working on shoes. In his twenties he joined with various dissenting churches in Hackleton, Earls Barton and Leicester. He published a ground-breaking book in 1792 on mission: its theology, its practise to date and the world wide need for mission with information on many parts of the world. In 1793 Carey sailed for Calcutta with his very reluctant wife, pregnant with their fourth son. Initially, Carey worked at an Indigo factory before founding a school called Serampore School in 1800, a Danish colony as the East India Company was hostile to Missionaries. Carey continued his teaching, translating and publishing grammars and the scriptures. Serampore College was set up to train Hindu missionaries in 1815. All this was at great cost to his family: his first wife had a mental collapse, two of his children died. He married twice more. His understanding of the Bengali language was greater than his appreciation of their society. His sacrifice of family relationships to his missionary calling was symptomatic of 19th century missionary calling which was ground-breaking, but extremely costly .
Chad St. Bishop of Lichfield d672, brother of St Cedd, pupil of At Aidan. Tireless in spreading the gospel, he became a missionary to the Mercians and the first Bishop of Lichfield.
Challoner Richard Roman Catholic Pastoral Theologian 1691-1781, Born to Presbyterian parents but became a Roman Catholic. Trained at Douai College for the Priesthood where he became a professor and vice-president. Returned to England in 1730. He became Vicar Apostolic in 1758. He published many books including the devotional classic The Garden of the Soul, and equally his Meditations for Every Day of the Year 1753.
Clayton, Philip Thomas Byard (known as Tubby Clayton), Founder of TOC H 1885-1972. Born in Maryborough Queensland, educated at St Paul’s London and Exeter College, Oxford. Gained a First in theology and worked for Cyril Garbett, later archbishop as a curate in Portsmouth. He became an Army Chaplain 1915 and with Neville Talbot, later Bishop of Pretoria, opened Talbot House in Poperinge, Belgium as a retreat for soldiers from the trenches. Distraction from the war, amusement and spiritual support was provided at Talbot House. Services on the top floor were an unforgettable solace to soldiers about to go back to the front line. After the war Toc H houses were established around the country and overseas to provide fellowship and support for ex-soldiers. Clayton became Vicar of All Hallows by the Tower. After All Hallows bombing in the Blitz, Clayton was involved in raising funds for its repair as well as for the East End.
Collins John T.C.B Prebendary, Pastor and Evangelist 1925- Educated Clare College Cambridge 1946-49, ordained 1951. Curate All Souls, Langham Place London. Vicar of St Mark’s Gillingham, Rochester, Canford Magna, Salisbury and Holy Trinity Brompton London 80-85, 85-89 as Associate Minister. His contribution to church life lay especially in training and mission. Over many years he trained, with his wife Diana, an outstanding group of clergy who were themselves gifted evangelists, pastors and teachers. They included, among many others, Canon David Watson, Canon David MacInnes, Rt Rev. Sandy Millar and Nicky Gumbel. Together they were to have a profound effect on the mission of the church. In addition, John Collins pioneered the shape of ‘charismatic’ parish ministry, encouraged the development of the Alpha course and the practice of church planting within the Church of England.
Compton Henry, Bishop of London 1632-1713 the youngest son of the Earl of Northampton. Educated at The Queens College Oxford. Left without a degree joined the army. Returned to Cambridge and completed a DD. 1674 Bishop of Oxford. Educated Princess Mary and Princess Ann, daughters of James II and Anny Hyde. 1676 conducted a census of church goers: the Compton Census. 1675 Bishop of London (1675-1713). Opposed RCs, left the Privy Council during James II’s reign, invited William and Mary to come to England and the Glorious Revolution: one of the seven inviters. A friend of Dissenters seeking their inclusion in the state, and the Huguenots. Passed over twice for Canterbury. Published on Botany and the New Testament.
Cowper, William, Poet, Hymn and Letter writer 1731-1800 Educated Westminster School and the Inns of Court from 1748. Falls in love with his cousin Theodora Cowper – see Symptoms of Love 1752. Falls into depressions from 1752. Practised Law from 1752-1763 in the Middle and Inner Temple, attempted suicide and placed in Dr Cotton’s asylum. Lodges with the Unwins in Huntingdon. Corresponds with Harriet Cowper (Lady Hesketh), cousin, finds solace in gardening and comes to faith in Christ through friendship with John Newton. Cowper begins Olney Hymns with John Newton, published in 1779. A further severe attack of depression ends his engagement to Mrs Unwin. In 1785 publishes his six-book poem The Task and John Gilpin. In 1791 publishes his translation of Homer: The Illiad and Odyssey for which he receives £1000. He joined the Abolitionist Movement writing The Negro’s Complaint. In 1794 he suffered further attacks of depression. 1787-1795 lived at Weston Hall. Cowper’s most famous hymn is known to us as God moves in a Mysterious Way (Light shining Out of Darkness). His love of nature anticipates the Romantic Movement of Wordsworth and Coleridge. He remains one of the great poets and hymn writers of the English language. His final years were spent at East Dereham, Norfolk where he is buried.
Cranmer Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, liturgist 1489-1556 Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge 1523. Employed by Henry VIII to canvas opinions about his divorce from Universities of Europe. Married secretly in Germany a Lutheran, Margaret Osiander. Appointed Archbishop in 1532. In 1533 annulled Henry’s marriage. He tried to reform the Church during Henry’s lifetime, as with the Ten Articles later reduced to the Six Articles. During Edward VI reign he published the Book of Common Prayer in 1549, revised it in 1552. Invited continental Reformers, Peter Martyr and Martin Bucer, to teach in England. Supported Lady Jane Grey’s succession, was tried and executed under Mary I in 1556 at the stake in Oxford. He remains one of the formative influences in English Christianity, formulating its restrained and profound expression in the Book of Common Prayer, his Homilies and Litany.
Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector (1599-1658) Educated Sidney Sussex,Cambridge. Elected MP for Huntingdon in 1628. 1640 Elected MP fir Cambridge. He espoused both Puritanism and the Independents. The civil war seemed to him to be a religious struggle between truth and falsehood. He became a soldier and cavalry commander, training the highly effective New Model Army, defeating the King at Marston Moor (1644) and Naseby (1645). He saw the execution of the King as a cruel necessity, thereby being a leading Regicide. He was a host of contradictions: magnanimous but ruthless, efficient and practical but mystical and spiritual, humble yet not without ambition. Much of it came from a sense of providence that overruled legal or personal preferences. He found it easy to oppose than to govern with consent. He could not win over hearts and minds. The monarchy was quickly re-established after his death.
Cromwell, Thomas Earl of Essex c1485-1540, Henry VIII chief adviser after thefall of Wolsey. Became Vicar General and given executive power over church affairs. He navigated Reformation legislation through Parliament from 1533. He put in place the Dissolution of the Monasteries (1536-1539) and ordered an English Bible to be placed in every parish. A moderniser and on the side of the Reformation, but little is known of his personal spirituality. His involvement with the King’s abortive marriage to Ann of Cleves brought about his downfall. He was executed in 1540. Cuthbert St Bishop of Lindisfarne d687. Originally a monk from the monastery of Melrose. He became Prior of Lindisfarne. In 676 he became a solitary withdrawing to Farne Island. In 685 became Bishop of Lindisfarne. He served with great missionary zeal and energy. Buried in Lindisfarne his body was dug up at the time of the Viking Invasions and became rallying point for Christian resistance. Eventually buried in 999 at Durham Cathedral, Feast Day 20 March