Valor Eccleiasticus (1535) 255, 272
Van Eyck, Jan 248
Vanbrugh, Sir John 364
Vane, Sir Henry 339
Vansittart, Nicholas 425
Varah, Chad 551
Vatican Council, First (1870) 456, 495
Vatican Council, Second (1962–65) 546–7
Vaughan, Henry 326, 329
Vaughan, Stephen 251
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 586
Vazeille, Molly 402
Venn, Henry 418
Venn, John 418
Vergil, Polydore 228, 236
Vermigli, Peter Martyr 271, 279
Vespasian, Emperor 7–8, 10
see clerical dress
Vezelay Abbey, Burgundy 112
Victoria, Princess Royal 467
Victoria, Queen 437, 451, 454, 465, 467, 479, 496–7
Victorius of Aquitaine 38
Vietnam War 544
Viking invasions 53, 55–6, 58, 59–60, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74–5
Villagarcia, Juan de 290
Villiers, Elizabeth 373
Vindolanda, tablets and Christian symbols 11–12
Vineyard Church 555, 561
Virgo, Terry 555
Vitalian, Pope 40
Vitalis Orderic (chronicler) 89
Vivarium, Italy 18
Vives, Juan Luis 244, 282
Voltaire 413
Vorster, John 552
Vortipor, King of Dyfed 24
Vulgate Bible 18