Sacheverell, Henry 376, 383
sacramentalism 468, 469
sacraments 266
saints and saints’ days 190, 268
Saladin 117–18
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of 333, 498
Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of 480, 497, 503–4
Salvation Army 471, 586
Samaritans 551
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 370, 372
Sanders, Nicholas 311
Sandwich, Battle of (1217) 123
Sangster, W. E. 542
Sardicia, Council of (347) 15
Sarshal, Alfred 174
Sartre, Jean-Paul 545
Sarum Rite 151, 183, 192, 274, 276, 289, 306
Sassoon, Siegfried 515–17
Saunders, Cicely 551, 596
Savile, Sir Henry 322
Savoy Conference (1658) 347, 353
Savoy Confession 347
Sawtrey, William 220
Sayers, Dorothy L. 528, 533
Scapula (Roman governor) 8
Scarborough 74
Scargill, Arthur 558, 560
schism, between Rome and Constantinople (1054) 85
Schmalkalden League 267
Schoeffer, Peter 261
Scone, Stone of 128
Scotland 128, 336, 343
Charles II allies with 344
Scots, originating from Ireland 24
Scott, C. P. 509–10
Scott, Robert Falcon, Antarctic expedition 503
Scott, Walter 224, 443, 445
scriptoria 47, 72, 91, 139, 145, 580
Scripture Union 528, 562
Scrope, Richard le 221
Sea of Faith movement 560
Second World War 529–35
secular clerics 173
Seeley, J. R., Ecce Homo (1865) 474–5
Self-denying Ordinance (1644) 339, 341
Seneca 9
Sens, Council of (1224) 158
Sentamu, John, Archbishop of York 566, 577
Septimus Severus, Emperor 12–13
Settlement, Act of (1701) 385
Seven Years’ War 406–7
Sex Discrimination Act (1975) 563
sexual abuse 527, 528, 561, 567, 571, 572
Seymour, Jane 253, 254, 269, 294
Seymour, Thomas 270, 274
Shaftesbury, Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of 357–8, 360, 366, 368
Shaftesbury, Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 431, 455, 464, 468, 474, 589
Shakespeare, William 209, 212, 213, 222, 224, 225, 228, 314, 326–7, 428
Sharpe, Granville 418, 420
Shaxton, Bishop of Salisbury 267
Shelter 551
Sheppard, David, Bishop of Liverpool 550, 559
Sheppard, Dick 533
Sheppey, Isle of 51
shipping and sea ports 411–12
Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 16th Earl of 456, 493
Shuttleworth, Kay 463
Sibbe, Richard 348
Sicily 85, 124–5, 164
Sidney, Algernon 360
Sigbert, Saxon king 37
Silures (tribe) 6
Simeon, Charles 399, 422, 434
Simeon Stylites 202
Simnel, Lambert 237
Simon, Sir John 510
Simon bar Kokhba 129
Simpson, Wallis 520, 529
Sinn Fein 505
Six Acts (Gagging Acts; 1817) 424
Six Articles 267
Six-Day War (1967) 553
Skip, John 254
slave trade, abolition 416–22
Slessor, Mary 484
slum housing 412, 526
Sluys, Battle of (1340) 134
Smith, Adam 418
Smith, Graham 532
social care 588–90
Social Democratic Party 559
social justice movements 551, 589
social media 566
social reforms, 19th century 499–500
socialist movements 491, 527
Society for Constitutional Information 429
Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade 418
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) 384, 387, 394
Society for Promoting Working Men’s Associations 470
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG) 384–5, 483
Society of Arts 406
Society of Friends
see Quakers
Socratic method 159–60
Solway Moss, Battle of (1542) 266
SOMA (Sharing Ministries Abroad) 557
Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of (Lord Protector) 269–70, 277–8, 279
Somme, Battle of the (1916) 514
Soper, Donald 542
Sophia, Electress of Hanover 319, 325, 377
Soto, Pedro de 290
soul, Platonic ideal 160–1
Soul Survivor (Christian festival) 562
South Africa
apartheid 498, 552
Boer War (1899-1902) 497–8
South American Missionary Society 486
South Sea Company 386
Southern, R. W. 166
Southey, Robert 413
Soviet Union 519, 535, 544, 558
Spain 58, 324
Spanish Armada 304, 313–14
Spanish Civil War (1936) 526, 529, 530
Spanish Inquisition 288
Spence, Basil 539
Spencer, Stanley 515, 539
Speratus, Bishop of Leicester 59
spirituality, medieval 188–9
Spring Harvest (Christian convention) 562
Spring Rice, Thomas 440
Springboard Project 568
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon 460–1, 485, 581
St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572) 304, 373
St Bartholomew’s hospital 145
St Brice’s Day massacre (1002) 75
St David’s, Wales 21
St George’s Field Massacre 407
St George’s Windsor 228, 237, 269
St John’s College, Cambridge 236
St John’s Hospital, Bruges 145
St Mellitus College, London 573
St Paul’s Cathedral 105, 242, 272, 352, 364
St Paul’s Cross 296
St Stephen Walbrook 551
St Stephen’s House 485
St Thomas’s Hospital 465
Stacey, Nicholas 549
Staffordshire Hoard 26
Staffordshire pottery industry 386, 411
Stainer, John 585
Stalin, Josef 519, 527, 530, 534, 535
Stamford Bridge, Battle of (1066) 87, 88
Stanford, Charles 586
Stanhope, James, 1st Earl 381, 385
Stanley, Henry Morton 483
Stanley, Lord 236
Stapleton, Thomas 311
Stead, W. T. 477, 492
Steel, David 546
Steelyard, London 258
Stenton, F. M. 25
Stephen of Blois, King of England 104, 107
Stevenson, Frances 518
Stigand, Bishop of Winchester; Archbishop of Canterbury 78, 94
Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester 368
Stockwood, Mervyn 548, 549
Stokesley, Bishop of London 249, 259, 261, 263
Stott, John 508, 541, 549, 551, 556
Strabo (Greek historian) 6
Strathclyde 31
Strauss, David, Life of Jesus (1835) 474
Strickland, William 301
Strict and Particular Baptists 460
Stuart monarchy 320
Studd, C. T. 485
Student Christian Movement (SCM) 508
Submission of the Clergy (1533) 253
Succession to the Crown Act (2013) 305
Sudbury, Simon 211
Suenens, Leo Josef, Cardinal 554
Suetonius 3
Suez Crisis 537
suffragette movement 499, 505
Sumner, Charles, Bishop of Winchester 468
Sumner, John Bird, Archbishop of Canterbury 455, 468, 469, 475
Sumner, Mary (née Heywood) 468, 488
Sunday Schools 422, 490–1, 509, 527, 542
Sunderland, Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of 381, 385
Supplication against the Ordinaries 250
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of 269
Sutherland, Graham 539
Sutton Hoo treasure 26, 30
Swein Estrithson 89
Swein Forkbeard 75
Swift, Jonathan 383–4
Swing Riots (1830) 412, 437
Swithun, St 94
Sword and Spirit Conference (1941) 533
Sydenham, Thomas 367
Sykes-Picot agreement 515
Syria 58