Full Index ‘P’

Pachomius 34, 138

pacifism 533

Padilla, René 556

Paeda, Prince of the Mercians 37

Paget, William 269, 270, 277

Paine, Tom 414

Pakenham, Frank 527

Palace of Westminster 443

Palestine 10, 58, 514, 518

Palladius 18

Palmer (née Villiers), Barbara 357

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount 454, 463–4, 468, 469

Pankhurst, Christabel 503

papal infallibility 456, 457, 493

Papist Acts (1778) 402

Paris, Matthew 119, 125, 126, 145, 175, 591

Paris, Treaty of (1259) 124

Paris University 172, 173, 178

Parish and People Movement 541

parish churches 71, 149–52, 193, 196, 228, 584

Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 254, 298, 301, 321

Parker, Russ 562


creation of 124, 126–7

elects Speaker for the House of Commons 209

see also Civil War (1640s)

parliamentary reform 428–30

Parr, Catherine 267, 270, 274, 295

Parry, Hubert 415, 498, 586

Paschal II, Pope 103

Passchendale War Memorial 514

Pasteur, Louis 465

Paston (chronicler) 225

Patagonian Missionary Society 486

Paton, William 521, 525, 527

Patrick, St 18–19

patriotism 405–7, 415

patronage system 347, 434, 486

Paul, St 10

Paul IV, Pope 288, 310

Paul VI, Pope 547, 553

Paula, St 16

Paulet, William 277

Paulinus 9, 31, 32–3, 595

Pavia, Battle of (1525) 241, 242

Paxton, Joseph 454

Peace of Amiens (1803) 414

Pearson, John 365

peasant classes 83–4

Peasants’ Revolt 210–13

Pecham, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 163–4

Peel, Robert 425, 427, 428, 435, 440, 441, 442, 451–2

Pelagius, Pope 29

Pelagius/ Pelagian controversy 16–17, 333

Pelham, Henry 381, 389, 405

penance 186–7

Penda of Mercia 33, 52, 54

Pendleton, Henry 289

Peninsular War 423

Penn, William 355

Pentecostalism 509, 527, 550, 588

People’s Budget (1909) 504

Pepys, Samuel 363, 374

Percy family 91

periodicals, 18th century 386

Perkins, William 348

perpendicular architecture 228, 237

Perpetua, St 12

Persons, Robert 311

Peter, St 10

Peter de Roches 143

Peter the Hermit 116

Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny 141, 142

Peterborough Abbey 92–3

Peterborough Cathedral 282

Peterloo Massacre (1819) 424

Philibert, Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy 296

Philip, Prince 537

Philip Augustus, King of France 114, 119, 121

Philip II of Spain 283–4, 288, 310

Phillips, Henry 263

Phillpotts, Henry, Bishop of Exeter 444, 450, 463, 468

Phipps, Charles 467

Picasso, Pablo 529

Picts 12, 14, 20, 21, 24, 35, 43

Pietism 395

Pilavachi, Mike 562

Pilgrim Fathers 330

“Pilgrim Report” (1930s) 525

Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 256

Pinter, Harold 545

Piper, John 539

Piran, St 190

Pitt, William, the Elder

 see Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of

Pitt, William, the Younger 410, 414, 419, 420–1, 426, 429

Pius IX, Pope 457

Pius V, Pope 309

Pius X, Pope 511

Pius XI, Pope 527

place names, Anglo-Saxon 28


 see Great Plague (1665)

Plantagenet dynasty 220

Plato 157, 159–61, 164, 214

Platorius Nepos (Roman governor) 11

Plegmund, Archbishop 63, 69

Pliny the Elder 6

Pliny the Younger 192, 583

Plunkett, Oliver, Archbishop of Armagh 359

Plunkett, William 426

Plymouth, Massachusetts 330

poets and playwrights 326–30, 582–3

Pole, Reginald, Cardinal 284, 286, 288, 289, 290

political satire, 1960s 544

Pompey 4

Pons Aelius 11

Poor Clares 143

Poor Law Act

(1723) 387

(1834) 430

Pope, Alexander 383, 390, 398

Pope, Sir Thomas 296

Popish Plot 359–60

population growth

18th century 411–12

19th century 438, 455, 477, 489

postmodernism 545

Potter, Beatrix, Tale of Peter Rabbit 492

Poullain, Valerand 279

poverty, during reign of Elizabeth I 314

Povey, Thomas 363

Powell, Enoch 548

Powicke, Maurice 527

praemunire, statute of 237, 247, 250

Prasutagus (Iceni king) 9

Prayer Book

 see Book of Common Prayer

Prayer Book Rebellion (1549) 275, 277

preaching 581

predestination 219, 398

Premonstratensians (monastic order) 144

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 443

Presbyterianism 301, 303, 321, 338, 340, 344, 346, 354, 356, 459

Preston, John 348

Price, Richard 414

Pride’s Purge 340, 342, 344

Priestly, Joseph 396, 461

Primitive Methodists 413, 459, 509

Princess Ingrid (ship) 532

Princip, Gavrilo 512

Priscian 173

prison reform 461

Pro Fide movement 554

Procopius (Byzantine historian) 20, 24

Profumo scandal 543

Promissio Regio 78, 121

“prophesyings” 302, 581

Prosper of Aquitaine 17, 18

Protestant Ascendancy 344

Protestant martyrs 285, 289

Provisions of Oxford 126

Prynne, William 335, 336

Pugin, Augustus 443, 456, 458

Pullinger, Jackie 485

Purcell, Henry 404, 585

purgatory 182–8, 272


emergence during the Reformation 249

under Elizabeth I 299–302, 314

under James I 320–1

and the English Revolution 332, 335, 351–2

during the Commonwealth 344–6

literature, science and philosophy 361

Purvey, John 218

Pusey, Edward 444, 445, 446–7, 448, 450, 458, 469

Pym, John 333, 336, 339

Pythagoras 157, 161