Full Index ‘M’

Macaulay, Thomas Babington 418

Macaulay, Zachary 418, 482

MacDonald, Ramsay 519, 522, 529

Machyn, Henry 296

MacInnes, David 551

Mackay, Alexander 484

Macmillan, Harold 537, 543

Madan, Martin 387

Maddocks, Morris, Bishop 562

Magna Carta 119–21, 125, 130–1, 142

Mailduph, Abbot of Malmesbury 50

Major, John 561, 564

Malcolm III, king of Scotland 90, 103

Maldon, Essex 74

Malmesbury, Wiltshire 50

Maltby, Bishop of Durham 439

Manchester Guardian 509–10

Mancini, Dominic 228

Mandela, Nelson 552

Mann, Horace 455–6, 490

Manning, Henry, Cardinal 450, 456, 458, 471, 493–4, 511

Manning, Robert, Handling Synne 206

Mansfield, William Murray, Lord Chief Justice 420

Margaret, Princess 546

Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England 225, 226, 227, 228

Margaret of England, Queen of Scots 128

Margaret of Wessex 90, 103

Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria 405

Marine Society 406

Mark, Gospel of 10

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of 370, 371, 375

Marnham, Charles and Tricia 562

Marriage Act (1753) 389

marriages, numbers of 490, 506

Marsh, Adam 177

Marshal, William 121, 123, 274

Marshall, Michael, Bishop 568

Martin, Gregory 311–12

Martin, Thomas 290

Martin Marprelate Tracts 303

Martin of Tours 30, 34

Martineau, Harriet 465, 492

Martyn, Henry 434

Marvell, Andrew 359, 361

Mary, Queen

birth 243

declared illegitimate 252

disinherited by Act of Succession 259

persists in Catholicism 278

claims the throne 281–3

marriage to Philip of Spain 283–4

attempts to re-establish Roman Catholicism 285–9

burning of Thomas Cranmer 290–1

Elizabeth’s position under 295

Mary, Queen of Scots 270, 301, 303, 304, 308–9, 313, 319

Mary II, Queen 357, 369, 371–3

Mary of Modena 359, 371

Mary Tudor, Queen of France 241, 281

Masefield, John 515

mass 151, 186

Massie, Joseph 386

Matilda, Empress 104–5, 107

Matilda of Flanders 86

Matilda of Scotland 90, 103

Maurice, F. D. 470, 491

Maximilian, Holy Roman Emperor 240

Maynooth seminary 452

McGrath, Alastair 568

Mearns, Andrew 477

Medici, Lorenzo de 235

Meiderlin, Peter 363

Melanchthon, Philipp 244, 248, 270, 286, 297

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount (Lord Melbourne) 430, 437, 451

Mellitus, Bishop of London 31, 32

Melrose monastery 44

Mercia 27, 52–3, 56

Merry del Val, Rafael 511


rise of 391, 394, 397–9

and social activism 413

Toleration Act (1812) 425

divisions in 458–9

and hymn-singing 586

hymn-singing 509

proposed merge with Anglicanism 542

falling membership 554

 see also Wesley, John

Methodist Conference 458–9

Meyer, F. B. 510

Michelangelo 251

middle class, growth of 386–7

Migne, Patrologia Latina 48

Mildmay, Sir Walter 302

Mill, John Stuart 443

Millais, John Everett 443

Millar, Sandy 563

Milne, A. A., Winnie the Pooh 492

Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount 497, 498

Milner, Isaac 419

Milner, Joseph 446

Milner-White, Eric 519

Milton, John 326, 329–30, 361–2, 582

Milvian Bridge, Battle of (312) 14

miners’ strike

(1920s) 521–2

(1980s) 558, 560

Mines Act (1842) 431

Mirandola, Pico della 235, 257

Mirk, John 150, 206

missionaries, Catholic 309–13

missionary societies 385, 422, 434–5, 481–6, 507–8, 592

Mission-Shaped Church (2004) 573–4

Moffat, Mary 483

Moltke, Helmuth von 513

Molyneux, William 367

Mombasa, Kenya 484


origins 34, 158

Irish 19, 34–6

Northumbrian 46–9, 68

in the Middle Ages 138–45, 230

education and social care 588

 see also dissolution of the monasteries

Monck, General 349

Mongols 172

Monkwearmouth-Jarrow monasteries 24, 41, 46–9, 68, 580

Monmouth’s Rebellion (1685) 370

Mons Badonicus, Battle of 24, 25

Mons Graupius, Battle of (83 AD) 9–10

Montague, Charles 352

Moore, Henry 402

Moore, John, General 423

moral attitudes survey (2019) 565–6

Moravians 395–6

Morcar of Northumbria 89–90

More, Hannah 418, 422, 590

More, Thomas 184, 228, 249, 249–50, 256–60, 262, 290

Morgan, Richard 394

Morgan, William 394

Mormons (Latter-Day Saints) 462

Morrison, Herbert 536

Mortimer, Roger, 1st Earl of March 134

Morton, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 237, 257

Mothers’ Union 488

Mott, John R. 508, 521

Moule, Handley 491

Muggeridge, Malcolm 548

Muggletonians 347

Mumford, John and Eleanor 555

Murphy O’Connor, Cormac, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 567, 568, 572

Murray, Grace 401–2

museums, London 455

music in worship 145, 585–6

Mussolini, Benito 527, 529

Mwanga, King 484

mystery plays 307

mysticism 198–206, 394, 582

Myth of God Incarnate (1977) 549, 555