Jack the Ripper 477
Jacobite rebellions 388–9
Jacobites 381
James, Eric 549
James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender 371, 375, 377, 381
James I and VI of England and Scotland
named as Elizabeth’s successor 306, 314, 317–18
accession 319–20
religious policy 320–1
on women performing baptism 316
attitude to Catholics 323–4
continental alliances 324–6
and Jacobean England 326
relations with Parliament 332–3
see also King James Bible
James II, King of England
in the Anglo-Dutch War 357
Catholicism of 358–9, 370–1
flees to France 371
accession 369
defeated at the Battle of the Boyne 372
James of St George 127
see Monkwearmouth-Jarrow monasteries
Jarrow March (1936) 526
Jefferson, Thomas 408, 417
Jeffreys, George 509
Jeffreys, Judge 362, 370
Jenkins, David, Bishop of Durham 560
Jenkins, Roy 546, 559
Jennens, Charles 404
Jensen, Peter, Archbishop of Sydney 571
Jeremy, Dan 206
Jerome, St 13, 16, 18
destruction of (70 AD) 10, 129
siege (1099) 117
Jesuits 288, 310–11, 326, 442, 479, 494, 495
Jew Act (1753) 389
Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury 314–15
Jewish revolt (66 AD) 10
persecution in England 128–32
expulsion from England (1290) 132
Nazi persecution 529
creation of Jewish homeland in Palestine 518
Kindertransport 533
Joan of Arc 224
Jocelin, Bishop of Salisbury 112
John (9th century scholar) 63
John, Bishop of Jerusalem 16
John, Jeffrey, Bishop of Reading 569–70, 571
John, King of England 108, 119–21, 142
John of Gaunt 210, 212, 214, 220, 221
John of Salisbury 106, 113
John of the Cross 199
John Paul II, Pope 554, 557, 561, 571
John VI, Pope 44
John XXIII (antipope) 217
John XXIII, Pope (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli) 546, 547
Johnson, Hewlett 530
Johnson, Samuel 405, 418
Jones, James, Bishop of Liverpool 566
Jonson, Ben 326
Joseph of Arimathea 25
Josephus (historian) 8
Jowett, Benjamin 475
Joynson-Hicks, Sir William 522
Judaism 189
Julian of Norwich 199, 200, 202–4, 587
Julius II, Pope 245, 246
just war/ holy war 88, 114–15
justification by faith 248, 255, 262, 266, 275, 300, 315, 391–2, 396, 400–1, 449
Justin Martyr 583
Justus, Bishop of Rochester 31, 32
Jutland, Battle of (1916) 514