Full Index ‘E’

Eadblad, king of Kent 32

Eadfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne 49

Eadgifu, sister of Athelstan; wife of Charles the Simple 67

Eadmer (12th century historian) 71, 93, 94, 145, 166

Eadred, king of the English 67, 70

Eadwig, king of the West Saxons 67

Eanbald I, Archbishop of York 55

Eanfled, queen of the Northumbrians 38, 41

Earconbert, king of Kent 37

Eardley, Sir Culling 468

East India Act (1813) 485

East India Company 481, 482

Easter, controversy over dates 37–9

Easter Rising (1916) 518

Eastern Europe 532, 544

Eborius, Bishop of York 15

Ecclesiastical Commissioners

 see Church Commissioners

ecclesiastical courts 95

ecclesiastical liberty 101, 103–4, 109–11, 112, 113, 237

Ecclesiastical Titles Bill (1851) 458

Ecclesiological Society 470

Ecgfrith, king of the Northumbrians 42–3, 43, 45, 47, 55

ecumenism 508, 520–1, 533, 542, 550, 564

Eddersheim, Alfred, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (1883) 475

Eddius (biographer of Wilfrid) 41, 42, 43

Ede, James Chuter 536

Eden, Sir Anthony 537, 543

Edgar aethling 87, 89, 90, 103

Edgar the Peaceful, king of the English 65, 67–8, 70, 72–3, 74

Edict of Milan (313) 13

Edict of Nantes (1598) 304

repeal of (1685) 373

Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910) 508

Edington, Battle of (878) 62

Edith, Queen 78, 86, 89

Edith, sister of Athelstan; wife of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor 67

Edmund, king of East Anglia 61

Edmund Crouchback 134

Edmund I, king of the English 67

Edmund Ironside 76

Edmund of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury 175


19th century 463

Board Schools 479, 488

charity schools 387

denominational schools 536–7

primary schools 463, 479, 589–90

Ragged Schools 431

Sunday Schools 422

Education Act

(1870) 431, 479, 488

(1944) 535, 536–7

Edward I, King of England (Longshanks) 126, 127–8, 132

Edward II, King of England 127, 134

Edward III, King of England 133, 134

Edward IV, King of England 221, 226–8

Edward of Lancaster 225, 227

Edward the Confessor 46, 75, 78–9, 86

Edward the Elder, king of the Anglo-Saxons 65–6, 68–9

Edward the Martyr 74

Edward V 221

Edward VI, King of England 254, 269, 270, 280–1, 283

Edward VII, King (‘Bertie’) 467, 496–7, 504

Edward VIII 520, 529

Edwards, Bartholomew 487

Edwin, king of the Northumbrians 27, 30, 32–3, 54

Edwin of Mercia 89–90

Egbert, Archbishop of York 53, 56

Egbert, king of Wessex 56

Egypt 58

Eleanor of Aquitaine 107–8, 114, 117, 118

Eleanor of Castile 148

Eleanor of Provence 124, 125

electoral reform 478, 503

Elgar, Edward 495, 586

Elim Pentecostal Church 509, 527, 550

Eliot, George 464, 476

Eliot, Sir John 334

Eliot, T. S. 582

Four Quartets 539

The Idea of a Christian Society 525

“Little Gidding” 533

Murder in the Cathedral 113, 530

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

birth 253

childhood and youth 294–6

accession 293–4

and the Church 296–9, 302–5

and the Book of Common Prayer 279

excommunication 301, 304

and Mary Queen of Scots 313–14

and the Spanish Armada 313–14

and Cambridge University 155

“Golden speech” 317

succession 305–6

Elizabeth II, Queen

marriage to Prince Philip 537

coronation 538

Christian faith of 540, 577–8

on the Falklands memorial service 559

Elizabeth of Hungary 205

Elizabeth of York 236–7

Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia (the ‘Winter Queen’) 319, 324–5

Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England 227, 228

Ellicott, Charles, Bishop of Gloucester 473, 474, 476

Elliott, Henry Venn 469

Elrington, Robert 487

Eltham Ordinances 241

Ely 89

Ely Cathedral 51

Elyot, Thomas 251

emigration, 19th century 412

Emma of Normandy 75, 76–7

Empson, Sir Richard 237, 238

England/ English, first appearances of 25, 26, 53

English Catholic Church

 see Roman Catholics

English College, Rome 311, 511, 543

English Mystics 198–206

English Revolution 337, 339–45, 351

Episcopal Church of the United States (ECUSA) 570

Episcopalians 340

Epstein, Jacob 539

Equiano, Olaudah 418

Erasmus 235, 243, 248, 251, 254, 257, 260

Erfurt, Germany 51

Eric Bloodaxe 67

Eriugena, John Scottus 158

Escobar, Samuel 556

Essays and Reviews (1860) 475

Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of 305, 317, 343

Ethelberga, queen of the Northumbrians 32

Ethelbert, king of the Southern Saxons 30, 32

Ethelburh, Abbess 59

Etheldreda (Aethelthryth), queen of Northumbria; Abbess of Ely 42–3, 51, 190

Ethelfrid, king of the Northumbrians 31

Ethelred, king of the Northumbrians 55

Ethelred, king of Wessex 61

Ethelwalch, Saxon king 43

Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester 70, 70–1

Eton College 225, 226, 228, 237, 386

Eucharist 192, 271, 273, 274, 276

Euclid of Alexandria 157

Europe, 8th and 9th centuries 56–9

European Union 553, 558

referendum (2016) 574

Eusebius 96

Eustace the Monk 123

Evagrius of Pontus 138

Evangelical Alliance 468

Evangelical Revival, 18th century 391–402, 589

Evangelicalism 248, 249, 269, 299, 507–8, 520, 540–1, 549–51

Evelyn, John 363

Everett, James 459

Evesham Abbey 127

evil, origin of 160

evolution, theory of 471–3

Excise Crisis (1733) 388

Exclusion Crisis 360

existentialism 545

Exsurge Domine (papal bull, 1520) 262

Eynsham 72