Full Index ‘C’

Cabal ministry 357, 358

Cabot, John 238

Cadbury, John 461

Cadbury family 490

Cade, Jack 225

Cadwalla, British king 33, 36, 54

Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage 15

Caelestius 16–17

Caesar, Gaius Julius 4, 6

CAFOD 551, 592

Cajetan, Cardinal 274

Calais 134, 284

Caldecote, Thomas Inskip, 1st Viscount 522–3

Caledonian Scots 5–6, 9–10

Caligula, Emperor 7

Callaghan, James 553

Calvin, John 142, 271, 299

Calvinism 314, 320, 336, 398, 400

Cambridge Christian Union (CICCU) 508, 520

‘Cambridge Seven’ (missionaries) 435, 485

Cambridge University 154–5, 173, 180, 228

Campbell-Bannerman, Henry 498, 500, 504

Campeggio, papal legate 246

Campion, Edmund, SJ 311

Camus, Albert 545

canal age 411

Canning, George 425

canons/ canon law 57, 245


Augustine founds Benedictine community in 30

Cathedral 148

centre of Christian learning (7thC) 49

Christ Church library 72, 95

rivalry with York 146

shrine of St Thomas Becket 113–14, 255, 266

Canterbury, Archbishops

 see Abbott, George; Aethelnoth; Alphege; Anselm; Augustine; Bancroft, Richard; Benson, Edward White; Berhtwald; Bourchier, Thomas; Carey, George; Coggan, Donald; Cranmer, Thomas; Davidson, Randall; Deane, Henry; Deusdedit; Dunstan; Edmund of Abingdon; Fisher, Geoffrey; Howley, William; Kemp, John; Kilwardby, Robert; Lanfranc; Lang, Cosmo; Langton, Stephen; Laud, William; Laurentius; Longley, Charles; Morton, John; Parker, Matthew; Pecham, John; Ramsey, Michael; Runcie, Robert; Sancroft, William; Stigand; Sumner, John Bird; Tait, Archibald; Temple, Frederick; Temple, William; Tenison, Thomas; Theobald; Theodore of Tarsus; Wake, William; Warham, William; Welby, Justin; Whitgift, John; Williams, Rowan

Cantiaci (Belgian tribe) 5

Cappadocian Fathers 160, 328

Caratacus (Catuvellauni chieftan) 7, 8

Carausius (Roman usurper) 13

CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) 573

Carey, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 556, 561, 563, 567

Carey, Robert 318

Carey, William 422

Carlile, Wilson 471

Carlisle 146

Carlyle, Thomas 220, 470

Carmelites 199

Caroline of Ansbach 388, 390

Caroline of Brunswick 425

Carolingian dynasty 85, 158

Carpentiers, Adrien 375

Carranza, Bartolomé de 287, 288

Carson, Edward 505

Cartwright, Thomas 301, 311

Cassian (monk and theologian) 17, 34, 96, 98, 138

Cassiodorus (scholar) 48, 580

Cassivellanus,(Catuvallauni chieftan) 4–5

Castlereagh, Lord 415, 423, 425

Catesby, Robert 323

Cathars (Albigensians) 114, 118, 125, 143

cathedral choirs 585

cathedrals 146–7, 148, 583–5

Catherine of Aragon 237, 242–7, 252, 281–2

Catherine of Braganza 357

Catherine of Siena 190

Catherine of Valois 222, 223, 226, 236

Catholic Association, Ireland 427

Catholic hierarchy, re-establishment of 457

Catholic Relief Act (1829) 427–8, 439, 442, 452, 456

 see also Roman Catholics

Catholic Renewal Movement 554

Catuvellauni (tribe) 4, 5, 7

Caughey, James 459

Cavell, Edith 515

Cecil, William

 see Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron

Cedd (monk) 33, 37, 39, 51

Celestine, Pope 17, 18

celibacy 101, 152

Celofrith, Prior of Jarrow 47

Celtic Christianity 20, 21, 53

Celtic tribes 6

Cenotaph Service 519–20


(1851) 455, 459

(1891) 477

Cenwealh, Saxon king 69

Cenwine, Saxon king 69

Ceolfrid, Abbot of Jarrow 48–9

Cerdic, king of Wessex 89, 92

Cerne, Dorset 50

Cerne Abbas 72

Chad, Bishop of Lichfield 37, 41, 42, 53

Chadwick Edwin 431, 447

Chalke, Steve 573

Challoner, Richard 402

Chamberlain, Joseph 497, 498

Chamberlain, Neville 529, 531

chantries 272

Chapel (Non-conformist) 489

Chapel Royal 239, 404

Chardin, Teilhard de 546

Charismatic Movement 550, 554, 556, 561, 586, 588

charity schools 387

Charlemagne 55, 57, 58–9, 60, 85, 115, 158

Charles, Prince 537

Charles Edward Stuart (‘Young Pretender’; Bonnie Prince Charlie) 388–9

Charles I, King of England

marriage to Henrietta Maria 324, 325, 334–5

relations with Parliament 333–7

surrenders to the Scots 339

trial and execution 339–41

Charles II, King of England

Scottish support for 339

at the Restoration 349, 351

“merry king” 357

Declaraion of Indulgence (1672) 358

conversion to Catholicism 369

Charles Martel 58

Charles the Bold 227

Charles the Simple 67, 85

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 240, 241, 242, 246, 263, 282, 283, 285

Charles VI, King of France 222

Charlotte, Princess of Wales 435

Chartist Movement 454

Chartres, Richard, Bishop of London 563

Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of 405, 428

Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales 140, 150, 174, 188, 195, 197–8, 581

Chavasse, Christopher, Bishop of Rochester 520, 540

Chavasse, Francis, Bishop of Liverpool 520

Chavasse, Noel 520

Chemin Neuf (Benedictine Order) 576

Cheshire, Leonard 532

Chesterton, G. K. 512

Chichele, Henry 227

child employment 431

child mortality, 19th century 492

China, missionaries to 435, 484–5

China Inland Mission (CIM) 484, 485

Chinese Evangelization Society 484

Chi-Rho symbol 12, 14, 15, 26

cholera 438, 463

Christ Church, Oxford 240, 247, 255, 290, 393, 446

Christendom 565, 577–8

Christian Aid 551

Christian kingship 73

Christian publishing, 17th century 348

Christian Socialism 470, 509, 527

Christians, in pre-Roman times 3, 14

Christmas Court (1085) 91

Christmas riots (1647) 344

Christ’s College, Cambridge 236

Christ’s Hospital 280

Chrysostom, John, Bishop of Antioch 114–15, 129–30, 165, 192, 274

Church Army 471

Church Association 506

church attendance

19th century 455–6, 458, 490

decline 506, 542

church building, 19th century 432, 490

Church Commissioners 432–3, 440, 451, 540

Church Fathers 129–30, 158, 160, 161, 165, 176–7, 217, 446

Church Mission Society (CMS) 422, 434, 483, 485

church music 403–4, 585–6

Church of England

establishment of tradition under Elizabeth I 314–17

restored under Charles II 353

settlement after the Restoration 382–5

and Evangelical Revival 391, 398–9

and the Industrial Revolution 412–13

19th century reform 432–3, 438–43, 445–6

in mid-Victorian England 468–71

rural clergy 486–8

before the First World War 505–8

between the wars 519–28

and social justice 551

decline in numbers 555

Church of South India 542

Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS) 468, 474, 562

church rate 440–1

Church Temporalities Act of Ireland (1833) 445

Churchill, Winston 481, 497, 498–9, 504, 514, 519, 521, 523, 529, 531, 532, 537

“churching” of women 150

church-scot 71, 83, 84

 see also tithes

Chute, Desmond 515

Cicero 5

Cistercians 104–5, 140, 141–2, 144

Cîteaux Abbey, France 141

civil rights movement 543

civil war (17th century) 337–9

civil war (1140s) 105, 106

Civitate, Battle of (1053) 85

Clapham Sect 399, 418–19, 482

Clarendon, Council of (1164) 110–11, 112

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of 353, 357

Clarendon Code 353–4, 355, 356, 358, 382

Clarke, Mary 464

Clarkson, John 422

Clarkson, Thomas 420, 421

Claudius, Emperor 3, 7, 8

Clayton, Tubby 516

Clement V, Pope 118

Clement VII, Pope 246, 252, 258

clergy, parish

medieval 149–53

Victorian 486–8

clerical dress 278, 298, 299, 301

Clerk Maxwell, James 472

Clerke, Richard 185

Clermont, Council of (1095) 116

Clifford, Sir Thomas 358

Clodius Albinus (Roman usurper) 12

Cloud of Unknowing, The 199, 206

Clovesho, Council of (746/7) 52, 57

Clowes, William 459

Cluny Abbey, France 140–1

Cnut, king of the Danes and the English 75–7

Cobbett, William 424, 429

Cobden, Richard 452

Codex Amiatinus 48–9, 72, 145, 580

Codex Aureus 72, 145

Codex Aureus Echternach 182

Codex Grandior 48

Coggan, Donald, Archbishop of Canterbury 557

coinage/ currency 83

Colchester (Camulodunum) 8

Cold War 535, 543

Cole, Henry 454

Coleman, John 359

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 413

Colet, John 257, 260

Collingwood, Captain Luke 417, 420, 518

Collins, John 541, 550, 562

Collins, Michael 505

Colman, Bishop of Lindisfarne 39, 41, 53

Colman, Sir Michael 567

Colman family 490

Cologne, Germany 261

Colonial Office 481

Columba of Iona 19, 35–6, 584

Columbanus 19, 35, 138

Combination Acts, repealed (1824) 435

Commius, Gaulish king 4

“common doles” 185

Commonwealth 343–9

communism 530

Compton, Henry, Bishop of London 371, 374, 383, 385

Compton, Ursula Keppel 524

Con, George 335

Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship (COPEC; 1924) 521, 522

Confessing Lutheran Church 530

confession 187

Congregationalists 347, 460

Congress of Berlin (1878) 480

Congress of Vienna (1814) 423

Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor 76

Conroy, John 437, 451

Consensus of Tigurinus 271

Constantine I, Emperor 13–15, 593

Constantine V, Byzantine Emperor 58

Constantinople 58, 118

Constantius Chlorus, Emperor 13, 14

Constantius III, Emperor 20

consubstantiation 216, 273

Contagious Diseases Act, repeal of (1886) 492

Conventicle Act (1664) 354, 355, 362

convents 173

Conwy castle 127

Cooke, Sir Anthony 300

Cooperative movement 509

Cope, Sir Anthony 303

Copernicus 330, 365

Coram, Thomas 387–8

Corn Laws, repeal of 452, 453

Cornovii (tribe) 21


non-conformism in 489

Prayer Book Rebellion (1549) 275, 277

Romano-Celtic Church in 31

Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess (Lord Cornwallis) 408


Edgar (973) 68, 72–3

Edward the Confessor (1043) 78

Edward VI (1547) 270

Edward VII (1902) 586

Elizabeth II (1953) 538

George II (1727) 388

Harold Godwinson (1066) 87

William and Mary (1689) 372

William of Normandy (1066) 89

Corporation Act (1661) 354

Corpus Christi College, Oxford 237

Corresponding Societies 429

Corrie, Daniel 435

Cotton, Sir Henry 49

Counter-Reformation 288

Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion 399

Courtauld family 441, 490

Courtenay, William 220

courts, separation of lay and church 95, 109

Covenanters 336

Coventry Cathedral 517, 539

Coverdale, Miles 262, 263, 266, 275, 280, 581

Covid-19 577–8

Cowper, William 403–4, 582

Cox, Jo 574

Cranach the Elder 248

Cranach the Younger 248

Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury

supports Henry VIII’s divorce 244–5, 247, 252

and Anne Boleyn 254

and Thomas More 259

rise and influence under Henry VIII 264–5, 267–8

Litany 268, 274, 296

preaches at Edward VI’s coronation 270

invites Bucer to England 271

liturgical reforms 273–9, 581

Book of Common Prayer 50, 274–9, 584–5

and Edward VI 280

imprisoned by Mary 286–7

burning of 289–90

Crassus 4

Cray, Graham 551

Crécy, Battle of (1346) 134

Crick, Francis 538

Crimean War 464–5

Cripps, Sir Stafford 536

Crockford’s 560

Cromwell, Oliver 338, 339, 340, 341–3, 343–5

Cromwell, Richard 349

Cromwell, Thomas 240, 247, 249–51, 252, 253, 255, 259, 265–8, 282

Crowland author 226, 228

Crowther, Samuel Ajayi, Bishop of West Africa 484

Cruikshank, George 415

Crusades 114–18, 127

Crystal Palace 454–5

Cuddesdon Theological College 560

Culloden, Battle of (1746) 389

Culpepper, Thomas 267

Cumberland, Prince William Augustus, Duke of (‘Butcher’ Cumberland) 388–9

Cupitt, Don 549, 555

Curzon, George, 1st Marquess 497

Cuthbert 44–6

Cuthburga 50

Cynegils, Saxon king 37

Cyprus 480

Cyrenians 551

Cyril and Methodius 58