Babington Plot (1586) 303, 313
Bacon, Lady Ann 302
Bacon, Roger 143, 177–8
Bacon, Sir Nicholas 300
Bagot, Richard, Bishop of Oxford 448
Baines, William 441
Bainham, James 258
Baldwin, Stanley 519, 520, 529
Baldwin of Flanders 87
Balfour, Arthur 496, 504, 518
Ball, Peter 567
Balliol, John 128
Balthasar, Hans Urs von 546
Bampton, Richard 144
Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury 321, 335
Bank of England 352, 385
Bannockburn, Battle of (1314) 128, 134
numbers of 490, 506
women performing 316
see also infant baptism
Baptist Missionary Society 422
Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel 434
Baptists 347–8, 459–61, 527, 555
Barclay, Gilbert 485
Barclay, Robert 355
Barebones Parliament 344–5
Barker, Robert 317
Barnardo, Thomas 491
Barnes, Robert 258, 267
Barrie, J. M., Peter Pan 492
Barrington, Shute, Bishop of Durham 422
Barrow, Isaac 365
Barry, Charles 443
Barth, Karl 521, 524
Barton, Elizabeth 259
Basil of Caesarea 34, 138, 165, 187
Basterfeld, Sir William 184
Bateman, William, Bishop of Norwich 588
Bath Abbey 68, 72–3, 228, 237
Bathurst, Henry, 3rd Earl Bathurst 425
Bathurst, Henry, Bishop of Norwich 439, 468
Battle Abbey 108
Bauckham, Richard 573
Baxter, Richard 349, 353, 354, 356, 361, 362–3, 582
Bayeux Tapestry 87
Bayldon, George 487
Baylham, Suffolk 183
Bazalgette, Joseph 489
BBC 538
Beatrice, Princess (daughter of Queen Victoria) 497
Beaufort, Margaret 145, 228, 236
Bec Abbey, Normandy 140
Becket, Thomas 95, 105–14, 229
shrine 113–14, 255
Beckett, Samuel 545
Bede, Venerable
on the arrival of Angles, Saxons and Jutes 24–5
on Augustine of Canterbury 30–1, 146
Biblical commentaries 580
on British agriculture 5
on church abuses 53
on the conversion of the Picts 35
on the “flight of a sparrow” 32–3, 595–6
on Germanus of Auxerre 17
on Hadrian and Theodore 40–1
influence on Anselm 96–7
Life of Cuthbert 44
and Northumbrian monasticism 46–8
on St Aidan 36
on St Alban 14
on the Synod of Whitby 39
translated by Alfred 63
bede rolls 185
Bedford, John Russell, 1st Earl of 277
Bedingfield, Sir Henry 295
Bell, George, Bishop of Chichester 518, 521, 528, 530–1, 533, 540
Bell, Gertrude 515
Belloc, Hilaire 512
Benedict, Rule of 30, 46, 69, 138–9
Benedict, St 138
Benedict of Nursia 34
Benedict XVI, Pope (formerly Cardinal Ratzinger) 564, 571–2
Benedictines 30, 69, 70–1, 140–1
Benenson, Peter 551
Bennett, Dennis 550
Bennett, Garry 560
Benson, A. C. 498
Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury 490, 507
Benson, Martin, Bishop of Gloucester 396
Benson, William 259
Bentham, Jeremy 422, 431, 443
Bentinck, Willem 373
Benz, Karl 500
Beowulf 27
Berbers 58
Berengar of Tours 95
Berhtwald, Archbishop of Canterbury 43
Bernard, Thomas 422
Bernard of Clairvaux 104, 106, 116, 141–2
Bernard Shaw, George 512
Bernicia, kingdom of 27, 30, 32, 33, 37
Berquin, Louis de 254
Berwick, Treaty of (1586) 306
Besant, Annie 476
Bethlehem (Bedlam) Hospital 387
Beukels, Jan (John of Leiden) 270
Bevan, Aneurin 533, 535, 536
Beveridge, William 533, 535, 590, 594
Bevin, Ernest 535
Beza, Theodore 301
Biafra, Nigeria 552
Authorised Version (1611) 264, 322, 382
Bishop’s Bible 321, 322
Codex Alexandrinus 473
Codex Amiatinus 48
Codex Grandior 48
Codex Sinaiticus 473
Codex Vaticanus 473
displayed in the Great Exhibition (1851) 454–5
Douai Bible 402
English translations 180, 217–18, 260–4, 266, 321–3, 580–1
Geneva Bible 321
Great Bible (1536) 262–4, 321, 581
King James Bible 321–3
Matthew’s Bible 263, 268, 286, 321
Revised Version (1881) 474
Rheims Bible 311
vernacular translations 248
Vulgate 18
Winchester Bible 104
see also Tyndale, William; Wyclif, John
biblical criticism 473–6
Bickersteth, Edward, Bishop of Exeter 468
Bill, William 296
Bill of Rights (1689) 372, 382
Bilney, Thomas 258
Birinius 37
Birmingham 386–7, 411, 438
Birrell, Augustine 510
Biscop Baducing (Benedict Biscop) 41, 46–7, 53, 585
Bishopric Crisis (1707) 376
bishops, in the Middle Ages 147
Black Death (1345–50) 134, 137, 154, 180, 588
Black September (terrorist group) 553
Blair, Tony 564, 568
Blake, William, “Jerusalem” 415–16, 498
Blenheim, Battle of (1704) 375
Blériot, Louis 500
Blomfield, Charles, Bishop of London 440, 455, 463
Blount, Elizabeth 243
Blunden, Edmund 515
Blunt, J. J., The Duties of a Parish Priest 487
Blunt, John 154
Board of Education 463
Board Schools 479, 488
Boccaccio, Decameron 195
Boddy, Alexander 509
Boer War (1899-1902) 497–8
Consolation of Philosophy 63–4
Topics 173
Bohemia, Kingdom of 324–5
Bohemund of Taranto 117
Böhler, Peter 395
Boleyn, Anne 244, 247, 250, 251–4, 264, 265, 282
Boleyn, Mary 243, 252
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount 376, 381
Bonar Law, Andrew 519
Bonaventure, St (‘Seraphic Doctor’) 167, 170, 178, 179, 182, 187, 205
Bond, John 487
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 524, 530, 548
Boniface, Archdeacon of Rome 41
Boniface, St 592
Boniface IV, Pope 32, 35
Boniface the Martyr 46, 50–1, 52
Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London 274, 278, 287, 289, 290, 298
book burnings 242, 258, 262
Book of Cerne 72
Book of Common Prayer
(1549) 151, 268, 274–8
(1552) 279–80, 297
(1652) 353
denounced during the Commonwealth 345–6
endurance of 584–5
revisions (1928) 522–3
words of administration and black rubric 298
books of hours 196
Booth, Catherine 470
Booth, Florence Soper 492
Booth, William 470–1
boroughs 84
Bosanquet, Helen 504
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, Bishop of Meaux 373, 402
Bosworth, Battle of (1485) 229, 235, 236
Boudicca (Iceni queen) 8–9
Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury 228
Bourne, Francis, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 522, 526
Bourne, Hugh 459
Bowring, Lyndon and Celia 573
Boyle, Robert 363
Boyne, Battle of the (1690) 372
Bradlaugh, Charles 476
Bradshaw, John 353
Bradwardine, Thomas 219
Bray, Thomas 385
Brendan, St 37
Brethren Movement 462
Brewin, Don 557
Bridges, Robert 495
Bridget of Sweden 190, 205
Brigantes tribe 8
Bright, John 430, 461
Bristol 137
British and Foreign Bible Society 422
British and Foreign Schools Society 463
British Celts 26
British Council of Churches 551
British Empire 405–6, 423, 424, 434, 481–2, 497, 534, 535, 537, 543
British Medical Association 536
Brittain, Vera 533
Britten, Benjamin, War Requiem 517, 539, 586
Brixton and Toxteth riots (1981) 558, 559
Brixworth parish church 71, 149, 584
Broad Church Anglicanism 468, 470, 506
Brown, David 434–5
Bruce, Robert 128
Brunanburth, Battle of (937) 66
Brunhilde, Queen of Metz 29
Bucer, Martin 265, 271, 273, 275, 279
Buchman, Frank 520
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of 325, 328, 333
Bulgaria 480
Bulgars 58
Bullinger, Heinrich 271, 301
Bunting, Jabez 413, 458–9
Bunyan, John 349, 355, 582
Burghal Hidage 62–3
Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron 281, 293, 296–7, 298, 303, 306, 308, 309, 313, 317
Burgon, J. W. 474
burials, in Anglican churchyards 488–9
Burke, Edmund 407, 413–14, 421
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury 383
Burney, Fanny 435
Bury St Edmunds 183
Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of (Lord Bute) 407
Butler, Joseph, Bishop 398
Butler, Josephine 492, 589
Butler, R. A. 533, 535, 536
Butts, William 254
Buxton, Charles 474
Buxton, Thomas Fowell 418–19, 422
Byrd, William 317, 404, 585
Byrhtferth (Saxon scholar) 72
Byrthnoth, Ealdorman 74